
Clojure provides sequence abstraction over many of its data structures(even maps) which provides a lot of functions and helps working with sequential things

  • Sequences are abstraction for representing iterations
  • Sequences can be backed by data structures or functions
  • When backed by functions, they can be lazy and infinite
  • Its a foundation for large library functions

Sequence API

  • (seq col) take collection and return next
  • (first coll) return first element
  • (rest coll) take out first and return rest
  • (cons x coll) returns a new collection with x as first element e.g. (println (cons "a" ["l", "s", "e"])) ;;=>(a l s e)

Sequence Functions

Sequence functions can be divided roughly into two categories.

  1. Generators - generators are used to generate lazy sequences from the data, functions, or other objects provided e.g. list, vector, map, SQL ResultSet, Stream, Directory etc.
  2. Operations - operations and functions that perform some operation and return another sequence or some other data structure e.g map, reduce, filter, count, some, replace
