
Clojure Namespace

  • Generally Clojure names space maps to Clojure files defines as (ns intro)

Clojure Evaluation

  • Normal Java Evaluation Source Code --> Converted to Byte code by compiler --> Byte Code is then run by JVM
  • Clojure Evaluation
    • Source Code --> Clojure Reader reads the code form File/REPL --> Reader converts to data structures
    • Clojure Compiler takes it and converts the data structures into the java byte code --> Byte Code is then run by JVM

Operation Forms

  • (op ...)
  • Operation forms are used to call function in Clojure
  • It consists List style left and right parentheses, op (operation) in the first position and after that there can be zero or more arguments
  • op can be one of three
    • Special Operator(operations built into Clojure) or macro (Operations that return Clojure code)
    • Expression that yields a function
    • Something invocable

Structure vs Semantics

  • Clojure treats code as data
  • Structurally (+ 3 4) can be treated as () as list, + as symbol and 3 4 as numbers
  • Semantically (+ 3 4) can be treated as () as invocation, + as operation and 3 4 as Arguments

In Clojure space is treated as comma (+ 3 4) is same as (+, 3, 4) or (+,3,4)


  • 42 is Long
  • 6.123123123 is Double
  • 42N is BigInt
  • 1.0M is BigDEcimal
  • 22/7 is Ratio
  • "Hello" is String
  • \e is Character
  • true false is Boolean
  • nil is null
  • * Fred *bob* are Symbols (*bob* means bob is mutable)
  • :alpha :beta are Keywords (used as keys for maps and dictionaries)

Data Structures

  • (4 :alpha 3.0) is a List
  • (4, :alpha, 3.0) is also a List
  • [2 "Hello" 99] is a Vector (Similar to Array)
  • {:a 1,:b 2} is a Map
  • {:a 1 :b 2} is also a Map
  • #{alice jim bob} is a Set

Clojure collections are heterogenously typed


Clojure allows to add metada to any object. These maps of Metadata has no effect on objects equality

  • (with-meta [1 2 3] {:example true}) means {:example true} map is added to vector [1 2 3]
  • (meta (with-meta [1 2 3] {:example true})) can be used to print metadata

Metadata can be used to store things like function documentation strings

Reader Macros

Clojure knows how to expand reader macros to larger pieces of Clojure code

  • 'foo represents (quote foo)
  • #'foo represents (var foo)
  • @foo represents (deref foo)
  • #(+ % 5) represents (fn [x] (+ x 5))
  • ^{:key val} foo represents (with-meta foo {:key val})
  • ^:key foo represents (with-meta foo {:key true})